Pregnancy is the most beautiful phase of every women’s life. The joy of carrying a new life inside and the overwhelmed feeling of bringing the baby into the world can not be compared.

However, pregnancy is a roller coaster rider; for some women, it is very easy, and for some, it is difficult. It is a crucial phase where a woman embraces many changes in her body.

Deep down, she feels insecure about her body changes during this time. While being pregnant, there are many things a woman needs to consider for herself and the baby, and there would be a lot of things she might need to give up. But does it mean she has to give up pampering herself? Not really.

Many pregnant women opt for natural lash extensions to still feel more beautiful, confident and praised. Besides this, self-care becomes harder when they enter second and third trimesters.

But is it safe to have eyelash extensions during pregnancy? There are some factors which the expecting mom should keep in mind.

1.  Can You Have It In Pregnancy?

Yes! Expecting moms can have lash extensions during pregnancy. But there are a lot of factors she should know before she decides to go for it.

2.  Is it safe?

It is safe, as many expectant moms continue to have their eyelash extension fillings during their pregnancy phase as well. But someone who has never had eyelash extensions ever in their life must avoid it since it has many potential risks.

3.  Doctor’s Advice

As every woman has different pregnancy symptoms and problems. It is recommended to take gyne’s advice before going for the procedure. A gynecologist can approve whether the mom-to-be should get the lash extensions or not.

4.  Better To Be Safe Than Sorry

Even if the gynecologist has permitted the expecting mom, discussing the process and products used in the procedure is necessary.

The lash artist must know beforehand that she will handle a pregnant client. She has to tell her all the possible risks and complications. The most common problem while undergoing cosmetic treatment is developing some allergies or reactions to some products used.

As pregnant women are more prone and sensitive during the phase, any complication or discomfort may be dangerous for them. So before the lash artist takes in a pregnant client, she must raise awareness.

5.  Know The Potential Risks

It is the most important step to prepare and communicate all the potential risks with the pregnant client. Even if she is eager to get the lash extension done, the lash artist’s responsibility is to tell her all the problems she could face.

It is not only a matter of a person but also for the unborn baby. It is better to communicate before their appointment to decide whether to go for it or not. The possible risks are as follows:

·       Sensitivity To Chemical Products

In pregnancy, women are more sensitive and prone to reactions. It is better to stay away from harsh chemicals. There is not enough evidence that pregnant women were affected by these chemicals, but it is better not to risk themselves and their babies.

·       Lash Glue

Pregnant women cannot take any kind of medication because those medications have potential harm to the unborn. So if god forbid a pregnant woman contracts a glue allergy after the lash extension process, it is very hard to treat such allergies.

It is suggested that if the pregnant woman has had the eyelash extensions before without facing any issue may continue having it. But if she never had the lash extension before pregnancy, the decision should be reconsidered.

·       Smell

Some expecting moms cannot stand with smell around them. The process of natural lash extensions is very close to the nose. There is a possibility that a woman cannot bear the smell of the procedure and end up feeling nauseous and down in pregnancy.

If she is still willing to have the procedure done, the lash artist should keep ventilation good so that she can breathe fresh air.

6.  Do A Patch Test If The Expecting Mother Is Willing To Have It

A patch test is recommended for every new client to see if they have any reaction or allergy from any product used in the process. It does not take much time to do a patch test. If a woman is an old client with the news of being pregnant must get a quick patch test to confirm if she is still safe to have the lash extension.

It is better for first-time moms and first-time lash extension clients to say NO to them and ask to wait till the baby is born.

7.  Long Hours Of Sitting

Roughly the lash extension process takes 2-3 hours. The client has to lie on their back during these hours, which is not favorable and comfortable for a pregnant lady. It is better to tell her that she has to sit in a place for 2-3 hours.

All pregnant women who still want to get the lash extension done must communicate their concerns before the procedure and ask for short breaks.

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Appearanz also deals in skin-friendly and different types of curls for eyelash extensions. These curls come in a lash tray that can be customized according to the client’s needs.

Appearanz’s C-Curl Mixed Length Lash Tray

Bottom Line

Indeed pregnancy is the most precious phase of every woman’s life. If a pregnant woman wants to have the lash extension done to look good in her post-delivery and baby shoot, she must do a lot of research and discuss with the lash salon about the options she would get to be on a safer side.

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